The Fame

Mainly years to the days and times it always fascinates us ...

His power eradicates beings of anonymity and elava the stars to glamor ...

Its durability also has its flaws and misconceptions regarding their presence in the memories and forgetfulness ...

She is showing Alterosa sides of abyssal lives in a way ...

Shows like the bastard savior always a biased way to invoke the ethical ...

Despite its specificities is not always sought by all ...

Live and die in pursuit of it ...

She does not have an own birthplace, living in shacks in the slums, palaces everywhere she's always "the air of grace."

It is the meeting where the Servant and the Lord never meet just look at each other with a level of flattering testimonials vicissitudes ...

Let their famous subjects and confined in a social ethic of many requirements ..

She is not worth what it's worth, but the price we give to their survival ...

Finally this fame is not as famous ...

Tribute to forgotten


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