
I am confident with people who have turned their lives other lives to love ...

In a world of such inequality, amaze me more every day, with these people, I sometimes think that being an angel to this world ...

Amid their words their dreams seem to disappear showing only a life of piety and solidarity ...

I love these people because they love the forgotten, fight against social inequality ...

They do not care what people do and their only real state of life that often languish in obscurity hopes. Love the intensity of wanting to change and transform, few are persuasive ...

We live in an era of evangelical nonsense, where we always see, self-promotion, in a duel of "preacher journalist X", where large masses of the population puppets are made only in defense of those who stood out, a gospel that is not evangelical, but a show, making people of faith idiotizando clown and ...

What a shame that our faith mutilated hopes and think that those moments with God is a talent show of the faithful in the midst of such mishap there are still people who propagate the gospel and without macula wrinkle "The Missionaries (the). They persist only in say that there is hope for people forgotten ...

Persuasion a missionary life, missionary only ...

Just speak the truth ...

"We can do nothing against the truth but for the truth"



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