
They say that to know a person should eat a few pounds of salt, which means probably have a longevity with the person ...
In theory people are somewhat immature in their relationships where coexistence is at the mercy of hasty decisions ...
Admittedly beings are gregarious sociability and the need for a living in this habitat less sufferable and painful, and with that, we think that the word tolerance is to be lived even in the social and cultural differences, we can use the usual dose for this dialogicity a little salt, salting the heat of emotions and keeping the taste of human by human relationships ...
We live in a snare, stemmed from resentment and heartbreak caused by the lack of love and forgiveness originated more than we enjoy life in their tastes and pleasures, while only feeding a vengeance due to loss of passers moments of the past and the only passado.Porem resurgence of the ashes, a ghost that always frightens us into sleepless nights, thoughts and memories and for all because in our relations lacked a little salt ...
The flavor of the season (salt) that never ceased to be the ages, this scarce intentions relationship, that enable the coexistence parameters conducive to social and cultural reality, showing the inequality of species, say humans and humanity ...
While people disappear in coexistence of friendship, a predatory act, the salt is left as the only viable resource for the origin of living tolerable and manageable tolerably for new generations ...


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