Pirate Gospel

Just missing a phone call ...

Season secular, especially the gospel of mascaras transvestido darkened with the usual niceties vis a just and religious ritual.

A gospel median postulated in the media in line with fame exacerbated separating the world of wealth and poverty, traded on the promise of personal ostentation.

People who are plagued by lack of education, as pawns, or dummy Olinda, labeling the Fe apparatus as carnivalesque, spiritually abused by wolves in disguise, who preach a gospel almost genuine ...

Gospel pirated ensnared in this pro meccas scales, in an act of Masonic, schizophrenics, the demand for more fies, to build their cathedrals.

Titles and positions are recruited outside the divine call to servanthood personal effect, a trench for the ego, the emergence of winning the demands of profit ...

A gospel pirate was encoded from the original costing expensive and scarce walks in many churches. The value of the gospel in this pirate fame and capital than the true gospel that its price in this cross and the blood of Christ, not price, but with added value the soul.

If you need to resign, abdicate, but the simplicity of the gospel alive ...

Just missing a phone call... Exit Piracy


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