There are moments in life that we need a truce rather those moments that lack eternity, of life while we are subjected to just rest ...
And in moments like these lighten the loads of a decadent survival over the years that resulted in a fatigue eternal ...
So somehow seek a truce or a stop obrigatária order to disarm us, of course they say the War of Life, let it appear that the situations take over the target only for a moment of respite ...
We emphasize our structure on the viewpoint that we are losing in life and the need to pause time as the scores of a song that needs to be a pause Symphony ...
Stimulated not only win in life are likely to lose or that is in need of respite situations and thus learn from the silence ...
So are the leisure time even temporarily giving up some moments of projects and dreams that shape our specialized existential forging a bend just a little respite ...
It is difficult to understand that there are these moments but briefly and emergency circumstances be validated gaps in the non-actions with only contained a silence and darkness of anonymity ...
Anyway sometimes we just want a small respite from life ring because this is who wins existential ask God just one more opportunity latent situations ...
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