The Suicide

This is a sad story of a young with approximately thirty-six years old.

Nobody knows for sure what happened, the evidence that the cause of the young suicide off a series of factors such as the abandonment of the husband, or job loss.

The last moments of the young were used disastrously, in fact she did not think the best days of his life were marked by an intensity of time, more exuberant than the decision to take his own life.

A single moment of your sad story ended with all the happiness of the past, she pondered the days of glories, but a suffering immortalized with his own death.

The crowd did not understand how a young lady was thrown down from the train at a station called Paraiso. The rush of everyday life made ​​people stop and look at that sad situation. She was simply banal with its history because there were other ways and means face everyday problems.

But after all how to measure the life of that young just a cowardly act (suicide) has been given many others who squandered a kind of uncertain future and even in the worst doubts that existed in a quest for happiness, suicidal decided of their own free will that no longer belonged to this world, leaving only the whys of society, family, friends, children, spouse and life that always gives us a chance to believe in the existence.

Existence is the best way to live with all the problems and difficulties, because our Big overcoming this is to always keep alive even at the risk of losing it at any time.


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