
The system has its always prevailed and prevails in all segments of society whether urban or rural.
We live for him and he always feeding not only our wants, but needs. The system is hungry ...
Feed The system that runs through our dreams when the world endogenous to exogenous are performed.
Cheered when fed by our team of heart.
Fed exercise our rights as citizens voting for the candidate "chutzpah."
When we seek to nurture a church to be better, "worthy of heaven."
Nourish tired when we got home from work concerned with the last chapter of the novel.
Feed when we look at the technology expecting a message from face book.
When we seek to nurture a university concerned with our careers.
Feed at the altar when we say yes to the spouse.
Feed when we eat the best foods.
Feed when our hopes are contained in the parties and ballads.
We nurture our children are born when the first of many.
Feed when we are tired of living of false friends of friends and want solitude.
Feed at all times of life.
Feed on the flowers at funerals death.
The system will never be satisfied not live for the sake of humanity we are dependent on the system at all times.
The system is not orphaned are his parents, we created a monster that shapes and changes our lives at every moment.
The system is called "matrix" ...
The system dictates the fashion and modeling bodies with their academies.
The system takes the forgotten of anonymity.
The system exorcises the disturbed body soul and spirit.
The system is ...
Many can look between the lines and see a life beyond the system.
Many manage to escape the system, but over time are called catatonic.
The system exists and simply exit to escape from normality.

"Homage to catatonic"


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