the Objects


Shoes, pants, bags, handbags, sunglasses, cars, profession, voice, shorts, attitudes, etc..

Finally a man ....

Shoes, pants, bags, handbags, sunglasses, cars, profession, voice, shorts, attitudes, etc..

Finally a woman ...

At the meeting of parts and clothes and professions and attitudes they meet and begin a friendship.

Some time after it is no longer a friendship, but a romance and love and in the interim all ends in marriage finally join the rags.

All objects and parts and accessories live together because they are together in the same house.

The children arrive and with them (objects) more pieces and more objects (clothes) and more space (beach houses) and all evermore.

Finally the man's wife and children home spaces ...

The lack of time for his wife to misunderstanding of both the children who are teenagers, money that was not like before and everything was nothing, just short pieces (shoes, pants, bags, handbags, glasses, cars, etc.. ) are together and do not complain because they are parts and objects ...

Anyway man and woman ...

What also separates them closer and this situation will split things and objects without the slightest difficulty, because only objects are not being together makes more sense to them (the objects) and no longer want our coexistence with all this ...

Anyway man and woman and objects end up separating ...

We are just objects of our destination and when we tire of it even worse than objects and things ...


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