Love the Life

To love someone is to see the love of life
Love is waiting waiting for the night the day
Amar is the chill of the vocal cords without words
Love and desire the desires of the soul

Amar limited in time to the future time
Love sick cadence of wanting
Love exists in the existence of creation
Amar phrases meaningless words
Love is just sitting and wanting to be

To love is to hear the voice of speech without sound
Love is the beating heart
Loving a gap that pervades life

Amar is also
Loneliness of the soul of not wanting to be alone
Love motivates life and imprisons reason
Love letters and correspondence without written
Love only love

Amar is the farewell unhurried
Amar lives a link tying survival
Amar reason flees and walks through philosophy
Amar does not win a war
Love is finding the stillness of the quiet

Love only love
Relatives, friends, neighbors, people.
To love is to find love in the loved
Love the Life


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