Laboratory for life is the chemistry of a new era

Many things can change in an unexpected way and quickly, in order to reorganize the projects and dreams ...

Open Hand of some things and hobbies show us, just being a person without a face madura.Modelando "manias present century", which by the way there because of an oddity, an unprecedented banality, only an existential emptiness .. .

One time, waiting for God's timing in every life, which in the current circumstances, we realize that we lose more than we gain ...

Changing concepts in this new time, dedicate my life to real friends (books), and to God, we strengthened every day more ...

A time to let you save your sorrows and resentments that are new times with search intents and purposes ... And it depends on the year and changes or dates, only one will ...

A new time, in priority,

  "Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just whatever is pure whatever is lovely whatever is of good report, if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things" .

Decisions will be reached forceful opening for a resumption principles established in the paths of new horizons, thus awaiting the healing of our souls ...

And espezinharemos feelings of defeat, because a new time with God, in the deserts and valleys in vertex look to the hills overlooking the stars, they objectify a better place ...

Purpose cercearão stay on that journey continues overtake the design of a new era ...

Find mismatches changed the trajectory of our lives and a time appeared in this intersection of ideas and experiences concomitant with a better future, only the past with taking solid root structure of a new time.

For the best of life in this maturation time, the time when you find the time ...

Laboratory for life is the chemistry of a new era ...


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